What’s a Syndet bar? What’s in a soap bar?

Washing with Organic SoapBeing a soap maker and artisan. We get asked a lot of questions about soap. What’s in soap, is natural Soap bad? What’s a Syndet bar? What’s in a Syndet bar?

We thought a brief explanation of soap and what it does might help to answer many of the questions we get asked. Soap is made by mixing an alkali (lye / caustic) with oil or fat in a process called saponification. This is a chemical reaction… the triglyceride oils / fats are hydrolyzed into free fatty acids, these then combine with the alkali to form crude soap, this is a mix of various soap salts, excess fat or alkali, water, and liberated glycerol (glycerin) as this is broken off from the triglyceride during the reaction process.

The glycerin is a useful by-product from soap production, which can be left in the soap to act as a softening agent, utilizing the high Glycerin content for additional processing and performance benefits. The fats or oils can range, so long as you have the correct ratio of hard to soft that enables the soap bar to physically form and set. This ratio can then be adjusted to give you a bar that lasts longer and doesn’t lather, or foams higher and dissolves quicker. We excel at adjusting and manipulating these ratios, creating specialty soaps. We can use a vast array of oils in our soap, however most suppliers will use a standard range of oils like:


  • Palm Oil
  • Palm Kernel Oil
  • Coconut Oil
  • Olive Oil

Our Handmade Natural Soap


The word “syndet” is derived from “synthetic” combined with “detergent”. Technically it refers to the binding that occurs between different detergents, also called surfactants or tensioactive agents. These detergents, which have an affinity for oils and repel water, surround dirt with small structures that are then removed by water. From a technical viewpoint, syndets admit the possibility of using additives (colorants and fragrances) that are not suitable for soaps due to the high pH environment.


Syndets are recommended for cleansing sensitive skin and even baby skin, as they are far more gentle and skin-friendly than traditional soaps. But remember that the anionic surfactants contained in syndets may cause sensitization problems in reactive skins. Syndets might prove to be a source of irritation for a segment of the population. They also seem less likely to cleanse like traditional soap.

Syndet bars are made using blends of synthetic surfactants, they are a different product, formulation and chemistry to that of traditional soap. Syndet soap surfactants are derived from oils, fats, or petroleum products that are processed in a wide range of chemical processes other than traditional saponification.

These synthetic surfactants make syndet bars mild cleansing bars, often pH neutral these soap bases produce cleansing and mild soap bars. The most famous and in fact the first syndet soap bar was Dove® – launched in 1955.

Common ingredients in syndet bars

  • Sodium cocoyl isethionate (the most widely used)
  • Sulfosuccinates
  • Alpha olefin sulfonates
  • Alkyl glyceryl ether sulfonate
  • Sodium cocoyl monoglyceride sulfate
  • Betaines

There are pros and cons for both types of soap, we can guide you as to what type of soap would work best dependent on the circumstance you need to use it for. Please reach out to us if you have questions by email at info@ahvidesigns.com or just give us a call.

HYPER-PIGMENTATION – Dark Spots -Sun Spots




Hyperpigmentation is a general term encompassing all types of dark areas of skin. The condition occurs when the body produces too much of the skin pigment, melanin, in certain areas, causing those dark, blotchy patches.

The most commonly affected parts of the skin include the forehead, cheeks, upper lip, and chin. After the age of 30, hyperpigmentation can also show up as age spots on the hands and other areas of the body.


Treatment of hyperpigmentation typically starts with skin creams that help fade dark spots through exfoliation. These creams slough away the outer layer of skin, allowing new and lighter skin to show through underneath. Some of these creams include alpha hydroxy acids, as well as Retinol (a form of vitamin A). Many individuals with sensitive skin, however, may find these treatments too harsh.

Hydroquinone is a chemical skin lightener that is approved to fade dark areas by decreasing the production of the skin’s pigment cells. This ingredient is often found in lightening creams, and does work to fade dark spots over time, but can increase the risk of dermatitis and decreased skin elasticity, which can accelerate the look of aging.


I believe that skin responds best when we treat it well. If we’re too harsh with acids or disrupt its natural processes with chemicals like hydroquinone, we’re likely to see it reacting in ways that don’t make us happy! Skin may be lighter, but it may also be thinner, duller, and less able to hold its shape.

Regular organic and natural treatment with ingredients that work with the skin, on the other hand, are more likely to help lighten dark spots and help skin to become as healthy as it can be. For those struggling with hyperpigmentation, I recommend our Premier Ressort line or our Riz Rubus line. Both lines are designed to deal with Hyperpigmentation andAnti-Aging.

Our Ingredients

coconut-oilOur Ingredients – Coconut Oil

A lot of individuals have perpetually asked my wife’s grandma about a number of the ingredients in her lotions, creams, and scrubs. I wished to write a mini series of posts discussing a number of these primary all natural ingredients that we use in our 100 percent organic products

Coconut Oil is well known within the skincare trade for its helpful ability to keep up healthy skin. It is one of the most important ingredients that my wife’s grandmother (God rest her soul), used in a majority of her products.

The oil is rich in triglycerides and when it is applied on the skin, it tends to keep it smooth to the touch. Due to the presence of these fats, coconut oil also retains the moisture content of the skin, as the fats eliminate moisture loss through the pores on skin.

Popularized for its anti-aging properties, coconut oil is rich in many proteins. These proteins keep skin healthy and rejuvenated, both internally and externally and also contribute to cellular health and tissue repair.

Most of us use several creams and lotions for softening our skin, especially the skin of the face and hands. Coconut oil is a great skin softener and helps you do away with dry and hard skin conditions.

It is said that coconut oil is good for several skin disorders such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema. Several studies have reported this benefit. However, scientific research is ongoing in order to prove or disprove these theories.

Much of the research that is there speaks to its protein content, since the replacement of sick or dying cells that can occur with various skin disorders, are quickly replaced by new, healthy cells. In this way, coconut oil not only treats the infection by battling the microbial bodies, they also heal the damage or the visible marks of that skin disorder; it is a two-in-one solution!

Coconut oil is additionally smart for hardened and cracked feet, which can happen attributable to excessive cold or strenuous work. The cracks in your feet won’t vanish, however your feet can become softer in days if you apply oil to the affected area.

Used as an exfoliate: combining coconut oil as an agent with different exfoliating or granular materials like salts and sugars will immensely improve the results. You may with success scrape off excess dead skin and clean out blocked pores while leaving the skin feeling clean and non – irritated. The natural soothing nature of the oil combines with the granular, exfoliating material to remove dead cells and will leave your skin with a good color, closed pores, and a soft texture.

In summation coconut oil is an important ingredient in our product from the time of our grandmother, thanks to its wondrous properties. I look forward to writing several more of these mini posts regarding our organic ingredients there benefits and why we use them.

Once you get an opportunity please leave ME a comment let me know if you liked this post and if it had been useful.  Please like us on Facebook and take a look at my wife’s scrumptious scrubs and face creams that will leave you feeling like a new you.