Handmade Soap vs Store Bought Soap; what’s the big deal?

Did you know there was a difference between store bought soap and handmade soap? Well you bet there is and this article will explain!


Organic Soap
Handmade organic soap.


With well-known store sold soaps, corporations are spending thousands and thousands each year on misleading advertising and marketing, it’s understandable why a client may be confused. Traditional store bought or “industrial” soaps that may be categorized as “herbal” are virtually detergents that consist of chemical hardeners, foaming agents and synthetic fragrances.

Unlike the phrase “natural” or “Organic” which is regulated via the USDA, the phrase “natural” no longer comes with a hard and fast requirement or restrictive elements to it. As customers, we’re required to understand what we put in and on our bodies and the best way to do this is by way of studying the labels and asking questions.

And it’s no longer only well-known store-bought soaps that can be deceptive. Artificial fragrances are being put in a huge amount of handmade soaps so make no mistake, you need to ask questions. A fantastic way to recognize you are buying the real deal is to ask what approach the soap maker makes use of to make their soap, what elements they use and what they use to fragrance their soaps.

 #1: hand-crafted soap incorporates Glycerin.

Glycerin is a natural skin emollient (pores and skin softener) that draws water from the encircling air. Because of this, glycerin is prized in soaps, lotions and creams for preserving moisture in the skin for the duration of the day. Animal fats and vegetable oils contain among 7-thirteen% of glycerin as a part of their herbal chemical makeup.

Common shop-sold soaps have had all the glycerin removed and located into extra products along with lotions and creams. The motive is as an alternative of buying one product so as to clean AND moisturize, (including handmade soap) a client now has to shop for two products to serve the equal motive, thus, an increase in income for the company.

#2: actual homemade soap does not use “perfume”

The FDA does not require the ingredients used to develop an agency’s trademark “perfume” to be disclosed on the label. Because of this your “clean rain” or “cherry blossom” scented soap could comprise masses of harmful chemical substances without disclaimer. You would never know the soap is  blended with filler substances and chemical substances inclusive of Sodium Isethionate (a foam enhancer) and Dipropylene  Glycol (a chemical solvent…why it’s wanted…who is aware of) and then shaped into molds.

#3: hand-crafted soap is definitely super for your pores and skin!

Handmade   soap preserves the integrity of the oils/fats/butters. Coconut oil is going in, saponified (made into cleaning soap) coconut oil comes out. Shea butter goes in, shea butter comes out. Because of this, the oils/fat/butters hold their vitamins, minerals and pores and skin-loving features in the very last cleaning soap product.

A professional soap maker can modify their recipe to provide traits inside the soap clearly as opposed to adding chemicals to gain the equal goal. To make a more difficult bar of soap, add more tallow or olive oil. To make a thick-lathering soap, add some honey. Store-sold soap most likely has additions of artificial chemical substances to provide similar results and we feel, it really isn’t always needed.

But why take our word for it? The best way to find out is to try it for yourself. Check out our website at www.AhViDesigns.com, choose from over 600 varieties of soap. I will assure you, it will be well worth it.




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