HYPER-PIGMENTATION – Dark Spots -Sun Spots




Hyperpigmentation is a general term encompassing all types of dark areas of skin. The condition occurs when the body produces too much of the skin pigment, melanin, in certain areas, causing those dark, blotchy patches.

The most commonly affected parts of the skin include the forehead, cheeks, upper lip, and chin. After the age of 30, hyperpigmentation can also show up as age spots on the hands and other areas of the body.


Treatment of hyperpigmentation typically starts with skin creams that help fade dark spots through exfoliation. These creams slough away the outer layer of skin, allowing new and lighter skin to show through underneath. Some of these creams include alpha hydroxy acids, as well as Retinol (a form of vitamin A). Many individuals with sensitive skin, however, may find these treatments too harsh.

Hydroquinone is a chemical skin lightener that is approved to fade dark areas by decreasing the production of the skin’s pigment cells. This ingredient is often found in lightening creams, and does work to fade dark spots over time, but can increase the risk of dermatitis and decreased skin elasticity, which can accelerate the look of aging.


I believe that skin responds best when we treat it well. If we’re too harsh with acids or disrupt its natural processes with chemicals like hydroquinone, we’re likely to see it reacting in ways that don’t make us happy! Skin may be lighter, but it may also be thinner, duller, and less able to hold its shape.

Regular organic and natural treatment with ingredients that work with the skin, on the other hand, are more likely to help lighten dark spots and help skin to become as healthy as it can be. For those struggling with hyperpigmentation, I recommend our Premier Ressort line or our Riz Rubus line. Both lines are designed to deal with Hyperpigmentation andAnti-Aging.

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